Startup Contact Form

This form is our attempt to make the process of connecting startups with capital as smooth as possible. We've carefully crafted it to gather all the essential information we need to decide if your project fits within our investment scope. Every question is thoughtfully placed to help you, the startup founders, shed light on why your project is absolutely vital for the flourishing of Web 3.

Once you’ve answered all the questions, the form will be scrutinised—both by our sharp-eyed humans and our ever-vigilant machines—to determine whether your project is ripe for investment. Yes, we know the form is long and, at times, a bit of a chore, but think of it as a rite of passage. A project that completes the form thoroughly has a 90% better chance of securing funding than one that doesn't. In fact, the form is designed to ensure that only the most promising projects make it to the final submission. So, take a deep breath, make yourself a cup of tea, and let’s get started!

Is the company already corporated?

Maximum file size: 5MB


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